Experts in legal and regulatory for experts in financial services

Actually, we aim at providing services as field specialists in an environment which requires real world experience and not just book knowledge. In the real world of banking, financial or insurance regulations, knowledge is required but it cannot bring results of its own without know-how and anticipation skills. In some respects, directives, regulations and national statutes, albeit setting a framework for services require interpretation in light of National Competent Authorities’ customary practice.

Guidelines will, of course, provide useful information in this respect, not replacing, however, a close-working cooperation with local regulatory authorities that can only be achieved by working in the field, hand in hand with NCAs. Possibly more than in any other business, financial services, and the recent fintech industrialists have understood the necessity, expand based on mutual trust.

Customers need to trust their financial advisor or their payment provider for them to develop their services and we all know a higher compliance level to the standards imposed by the regulatory framework, which requires a proactive cooperation with national surveillance or licensing bodies, is a powerful leverage in trust. Our partnership with top tier European regulatory professionals based in Paris and Luxembourg, and Swiss Compliance Services, a Compliance Management firm based in Geneva, ensures that our clients benefit from a complete support while applying for a licence or afterwards.

Regulatory Authorities

European Securities and Markets Authority

European Banking Authority

European Central Bank

Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution

Financial Conduct Authority

Our Offices

Paris | 22 rue Général Foy | 75008 Paris | France

Geneva | 22 rue du Général Dufour | 1204 Geneva | Switzerland